DPDK #78 Do the doodle!
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Hello friends!

Do you know the swinging Loco-Motion song? Put it on and sing along! Everybody is doing a brand-new design, now... come on baby do the doodle. I know you'll get to like it if you give it a chance now... come on baby do the doodle! In this newsletter we invite you to get creative, so grab your pens and pencils and sit tight, instructions will follow.

Besides doodling around we've created a design-thinking boot camp for forward-thinking companies, our developers Sven and Jon were present at GOTO Amsterdam, a bunch of curious CMD students from Hogeschool Rotterdam dropped by to see what we've been up to and of course we spotted some exceptional inspiration to share. Keep scrolling to check it all!
GOTO Conference

Our developers Sven and Jon went to GOTO conference in Amsterdam.

GOTO Conference - Sven van der Hoeve

The two highlights besides Bruce, were the talks by Sander Hoogendoorn about ‘It's a Small World after all - How Thinking Small is Changing Software Development Big Time' and ‘The Live Coding Music Synth For Everyone' by Sam Aaron. Check them out.

CMD Students
Go Go Go
CMD Students

You might have noticed that this month's issue is based on the Alternative Art Design Trend. Mixing up your design with some chaotic strokes and stains of color definitely makes the work stand out. And let's be honest, illustrations and doodles are super fun to look at. ;-)


This is a website you might want to pet… Check out the cat illustration. Dotphoton Raw definitely fits the Alternative Art Design Trend 2019.


This digital production studio from Brooklyn has a cool brush stroke motion in the typography. This small effect adds just the right amount to the website to make it more playful.


True ventures uses the Alternative Art Design Trend to highlight the important words in their messages. It draws your eye to it immediately.

Create your #dpdkdoodle

We will repost your doodle in our Instagram Stories with a voting bar so our followers can vote. Need inspiration? Check our ident reel on the homepage. Cheers big ears, go doodling!

Create your #dpdkdoodle
Instagram @dpdk_digital
Instagram @dpdk_digital
See our last month newsletter